
Situ Sangiang

Regions Situ Sangiang with mixed forest scenery including mahogany and cinnamon-jennis also found in other types such as weeds, grass puzzles, gewor, rattan, saliara, kirinyuh, pohpohan, Tepus, BudDhadesign, manglid, suren, objects, candle, plug and others. While these types of fauna including python, snake wetland, birds ketilang, bincarung, cangkakak, and apes, monkeys and pigs.

Tourism activities that can be taken include cross country, boating, fishing and camping.

In Situ Sangiang there is a sacred tomb. Mention the local caretaker, the tomb is in situ sangiang penggir this is one of the tomb figures of Islam spreaders in Majalengka and surrounding areas.

Naturally, when traveling in Situ Sangiang are more religious. Some come all the way over there, just wanted to make pilgrimages kemakam edge guardian and then a shower there. So really this tour is very sacred. According to the locals and the caretaker there was an incarnation of an ancient kingdom called the kingdom lake.

In history books Sunda. Kingdom Lake was still a century with Pajajaran kingdom, Panjalu, Sumedang Saunggalah or bans. Yet in its history, was overwhelmed by the mystery of the kingdom. The legend says that the kingdom was lost with their citizens. While some residents pngisi monarchy, change the shape of a fish in the lake. That version of the story, about the kingdom Telagamanggung.

Facilities contained in Situ Sangiang include security fences, shelters, paths, parking lots, bridges, gates / ticket office, supermarket, toilets, water installations, bench seat, children's playground and swimming pool experience. Can be achieved with four-wheeled vehicle with a mileage of 30 km Majalengka. Condition of paved roads.

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