
Oray Tapa

These sights consist of a mixture of forest plants (pine, fir etc.). Existing water sources such as springs that are currently utilized for the purposes of visitors and the local community.

Potential visual landscape in the area of interest include natural forest, mixed forest plantations, views of the city of Bandung and the cool highland air.ourism activities in Oray Tapa is a camping and bathing in natural springs.

Since mid-September 1997, the pine forest on 41 forest plots have water sources that actually appear in the dry season. These springs became known after a paraplegic from Bandung Antapani come and bathe in those locations. Previously, he was admitted a dream which he believed was 'wangsit' (petunuk from the Almighty) so that he bathed in a new shower bertumbuhan arising in pine forests. Chance of patients over six years was completed so after the shower. Was followed by four other people who suffer from various illnesses, including a long of diseased Majalaya shivering hands and feet numb. Out of the shower there was a man from Majalaya directly gradually recovered and returned home in a fit state.

Two sources of water coming out of the cliff now regulated and disciplined by mengalirkannya on 9 shower and temporarily partitioned-separator. These attractions can be reached from the District of Cicadas (11 km), Edge Berung (13 km), Cicalengka (25 km) and from the Regency / Municipality of Bandung (17 km), from Garut (53 km). Road conditions are generally paved and gravel road a bit, but it can be passed by two-or four-wheel vehicles.

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