

Natural Park Kamojang according to government administration, including the Village area Cibeet, Paseh District, District and Village Randukurung Bandung, Garut District Samarang. According to the forest administration, including BPKH Ciparay Perum Perhutani KPH South Bandung.

This area is part of the slope of the cone of Mount Gandapura. Sloping hilly topography with steep slopes of the field, sloping undulating, except in the middle of the area which is actually a part of a truncated cone, so the situation is flat.

According to Schmidt and Ferguson's classification, Kamojang and surrounding areas including climate type B with an average rainfall 2000-2500 mm per year. The minimum air temperature 150C, a maximum of 25oC.

Nature Reserve and Area Kamojang has natural beauty, the air is cool and comfortable and its flora and fauna in it is beautiful scenery to be enjoyed. There are also several other craters that exist between Manuk Crater, Crater Berecek, Sorekat Crater, Crater Kamojang, Cikahuripan Crater, Crater Railway, Corner Crater, Crater Rain, Crater Panggilingan, New Crater, Crater Currently, Crater Cibuliran, Kawh Racung and others. Based on potential and existing field conditions in the area of Natural Park Kamojang, the nature tourism activities can be done is as follows:

   1. Nature tourism (land) that is a picnic to enjoy the beauty of nature, beautiful woods cross, photo hunting and other tourist types
   2. Hot bath
   3. Scientific tourism: an ideal location for research and fauna and natural phenomena.

Wildlife that live in the area surrounding Crater Kamojang and there were 27 species, consisting of nine species of mammals, three species of primates and the rest various types burubg.

The nine species of mammals are leopard (Panthera pardus), wild boar (Sus vilatus), deer (Muntiacus muntjak), ferrets (Paradoxurus hemaprodytus), pangolin (Manis javanicus), hedgehogs (Acanthion brochiurum), ground squirrels (Loriscus insignis), flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus), bat (Hippociideros larvatus).

As for the three types of primates are Javan (Presbytis comata), langur (Tachypitechus), and monkeys (Macaca fascicularis).

While there are five bird species Kamojang area of Natural Park of grouse (Esacus magnirostris), tikukur (Streptopelia).

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