
Museum Subak Bali

Idea found subak museum, aim to muster various data and object which related to history of
subak, and also serve as study media and research. Besides also to save, to protecting and
looking after various cultural object [of] subak which have meritorious send that institute [of]
everlasting life since epoch first up to now. This Museum also serve information materials,
documentation and also education media of practice about subak as custom institute and
irrigation system. Other target as tourism object recreation place, as complement of object
variety of wisata Island Bali west cleft.
But chance of museum grievous subak very. To the number of team in concerned in this
museum it is possible that as resistance to develop its function. Humanity on duty and institution
can each other equivocation to release its responsibility, if emerging problems. Time 14 year
more journey of this subak museum since opened [by] year 1988 then, representing time which
more than last for evaluating its existence.

Agriculture and Idea of Subak Tourism

[IN] in between President Megawati Soekarnoputri event plant paddy [in] Countryside of
Beraban District Of Selemadeg Sub-Province of Tabanan, Sunday Morning, 12 January 2003,
President entourage have time to see to near from life of society three countryside -- Beraban,
Tangguntiti and of Tegalmengkeb -- passed by Ms. President and [his/its] husband, Taufiq
Kiemas, with entourage. the Farmer society through years feeling [him/ it] it[him] chance. Hence
from that, society [in] this three countryside often envy with other countrysides which [is]
kecipratan of rezeki of tourism dollar. Society [in] this triangle area also wish dollar mengais,
although intention farm, ever onwards.

Is it possible that idea about tourism subak become answer alternative face the problem? Why
[do] not? Minister Culture and Tourism, I Gde Ardika have program of subak tourism. Even this
program have been said [by] minister of Buleleng this before elite figures [in] three mentioned
countryside in its visit [of] mid 2002 then.
idea of Subak tourism place forward traditional organization [of] subak as asset at the same
time tourism object which directly entangle farmer society [in] region of subak itself. According
to writer of tourism, Nyoman S Pendit in its book '' Develop;Build Bali'' ( 2001:82) of subak
[his/its] principal tourism [is], continuation of culture of society participation.

Tourism model like this grow from under, in this case subak krama. Thereby feel sense of
belonging and togetherness felt very jell, as does subak filosopis. Tourism Subak being based
on [at] society have big benefit in the case of enableness of local resource, people economics
and continuation of culture. Before idea appearance of subak tourism, natural [is] rice field and
farmer activity have become separate fascination to tourist.

Some entourage of turis sent by journey bureau handling [it], have direct go down to rice field
to plant paddy. attraction of Wisata unique have happened [in] a subak [in] Klungkung and of
Kerambitan, Tabanan. Activity of this rareness also have been test-drived [by] [in] Jatiluwih in
order to setling the countryside mentioned as countryside of wisata. But, because this program
[do] not entangle local subak, finally attraction of wisata turis plant paddy, have never heard

Conception tourism subak is not new material [is] at all, if seeing attraction example [of]s of
wisata mentioned. Particularly again in the effort continuation of cultural values, local
government of Bali cooperate with Local government of Sub-Province of Tabanan have
succeeded to found subak museum, which [is] its location [in] Bun, eastside town of Tabanan.
Founding of museum result of idea of[is late Good Ida [of] Supertitous formula, Governor Bali at
that time, expected is glorious [of] tourism sector exist in Tabanan.

Since opened [at] 20 July 1988, subak museum almost have never experienced of a period of/to
feather in one's cap. Organizational though subak being based on [in] society can popularize
the name of Bali [in] national and international forum. Management of subak museum impress
overlap [among/between] Local government Mount I and Local Government Mount II Tabanan.
Searching information due to this [is] musum rather difficult because less publication compared
to other museum [in] Bali. At the opposite of all that, in the reality many institution either in
province storey;level and also sub-province owning amdil as according to its area each

Management and conservancy of building and also facility of museum subak have been
handled by Ceremony Builder Institute Custom ( Tentative MPLA) assisted by team of museum
subak. Besides MPLA, management and conservancy also have been handled [by] Kanwil PU
with forming Team Organizer Of Field of Mathika Subak with membership from overall PU Bali.
Local government of Tabanan nor mobile failing [of] him in handling this museum. Regent of
Tabanan at that time also form Team Development Of Object of Wisata Cultural Sasana/
Museum Subak and Field of Mathika Subak. This Team [is] decanted in decision of number
regent 353 18 August 1988 with member from various institution [in] Tabanan

Except both that team, [in] rising province storey;level also Decree Governor number 603 year
1991 by specifying Team Program Construction, Treatment and Development Of Museum
Subak.. The Team led by Head On duty Culture with member 20 bureau heads people [in]
environment of Setwilda Bali. Other Member [of] Head On Duty Fishery, Kakanwil Religion,
Kakanwil Depdikbud, Lead Museum Bali, Lead Museum Tabanan, Superintendent Of Kesra
Setwilda Tabanan, Branch On duty PU Tabanan and of MPLA Tabanan

The involving of some team and also its tired member three people puluh more, either in
storey;level of I and also [in] storey;level of II, please sign that Field of Mathika Subak Tabanan
represent the project of giant [in] new order era. But, unhappily, its it[him] own less is
approximating [of] its function as a museum which [there] no two him [in] world.
Idea found subak museum, according to Jelantik Ethic, one of the team member, aim to muster
various data and object which related to history of subak, and also serve as study media and
research. Besides also to save, to protecting and looking after various cultural object [of] subak
which have meritorious send that institute [of] everlasting life since epoch first up to now. This
Museum also serve information materials, documentation and also education media of practice
about subak as custom institute and irrigation system.. Other target as tourism object recreation
place complement of object variety of wisata Island Bali west cleft. But chance of museum grievous
subak very. To the number of team in concerned in this museum it is possible that as resistance
to develop its function. Humanity on duty and institution can each other equivocation to release
its responsibility, if emerging problems. Time 14 year more journey of this subak museum since
opened [by] year 1988 then, representing time which more than last for its existence

In line with autonomous breath [of] concept and area of subak tourism, hence this subak
museum have to be taken over by Pemkab Tabanan. Even nowadays discourse which appear
[in/on] legislative member and executive [in] Tabanan, [is], subak museum which [is] its location
[in] that Bun [do] not reperesentatif again. This matter [is] caused [by] fast growth [of] the region
with forming of white colars Perumnas and also. Farm rice field as supporter of that museum
have also changed over function.

Other discourse emerging [is] desire to remove this subak museum to new location around
triangle area that is Countryside of Beraban, Tangguntiti and of Tegalmengkeb. this Three Area
have wide [of] agriculture farm [in] Bali. Besides intention farm thorough fare and also peep
tourism, hence idea of subak tourism, very looked forward to by society.

Museum Subak represent the single museum which [is] mengetengahkan every thing about
agriculture [in] Bali. This Museum demonstrate miniatur of Subak complete with pictures of[is
process of him, like step find the source of wellspring, making tunnel;cutting irrigate and
develop;build barrage, and also make link channel to conduct water to resident rice fields.
Museum Subak also have data of audio-visual explaining about paddy conducting process, start
from member deliberation of Subak, agreement of arrangement of water, and also ritual request
result of crop which abundance.

Besides, this museum also demonstrate traditional agricultural equipment [of] Bali, like clipper
and pounder of paddy, appliance to plow up, appliance to correct irrigation channel, and also
kitchen miniatur of tradisonal complete with furniture and planology to cook rice. Visitor of
Museum Subak also can add knowledge about agriculture by visiting book facility [in] this
museum komplek. Book collection in complete library enough, start from various study pass by
quickly discipline concerning system of Subak till the problem of agriculture in general.

Road;Street of Gatot Subroto, Bun, Sub-Province of Tabanan, Provinsi Bali.

Sub-Province of Tabanan apart [about/around] 20 km of town of Denpasar, Capital Of Provinsi
Bali. Of town of Denpasar, tourist can use vehicle of public ( bus) [go] to town bus terminal of
Tabanan. Of this terminal, tourist can go up publik transport ( bemo) as far as 2 km to come to
[in] location of Museum.

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